Thursday, February 25, 2021

How Does Your Body Store Fat?

When we eat extra calories, our body starts storing the energy as glycogen or fat so that it can use it at a later time. These compounds are accumulated in your liver, muscles, and fat cells like an emergency supply of energy. Over time, if we keep eating extra calories, it causes our body fat stores to expand, resulting in weight gain. For weight loss, we need to create a calorie deficit to lose the excess calories stored by our bodies.

Extra Calories

Consuming extra calories mean that you're eating more than your body needs in a day. Your body needs energy for body processes, such as your heart beating, breathing, and digestion. The rest of the energy is used for performing physical activities, like walking, cleaning the house, climbing stairs, biking or gardening. If you eat more than your body is capable of burning in a day, your body stores the extra calories to use later when calorie supplies are low.

Carbohydrate Storage

The carbohydrates you eat are converted to and stored as glycogen, a complex carbohydrate, in the body. The glycogen is stored mainly in your muscle and liver cells. Every 1 gm. of carbohydrate is stored along with 3 gm. of water. A healthy adult body is capable of storing around 500 grams of carbohydrates. This means that the body can store around 2,000 calories of carbohydrates.

Fat Storage

Once the glycogen stores get full, the body stores extra calories from carbohydrates as fat. Extra calories from fat and protein intake are stored as fat in the body as well. Fat cells, or adipose cells store the extra calories in the form of triglycerides, which is a type of fatty acid. Most of these fat cells are stored between your skin and muscle while others are stored surrounding the organs. Everyone has a different amount of fat cells, but what matters more is the size of the cells.

Weight Gain

Eating an extra 3,500 calories can cause a weight gain of roughly 1 pound of body fat. When you eat extra calories, the fat accumulates inside your adipose cells. This causes the cells to expand and increase in size. After enough fat cells enlarge in an area, you start looking fat. To reduce the fat stored in cells and lose weight, you can use ISO Plus Slimming Oil.

ISO+ Slimming Oil contains active ayurvedic herbs that stimulate the tissue regeneration process and burn the fat accumulated beneath the skin. It is a certified product that can be completely trusted.

Instant Slimming Oil Plus (ISO) is a tried and tested herbal slimming massage Oil that contains extracts of 16 natural herbs. The carefully combined mixture of ayurvedic herbs accelerates the burning of excessive fats around the area where it is applied like hips, tummy and thighs and lets you get you back in shape. When you apply the oil, you will see smoke coming out of the targeted area. This smoke is the result of the fat burning away.

For further information, please visit

Monday, February 22, 2021

8 Tips to Lose Weight Without Diet or Exercise

Losing weight doesn’t have to be a difficult task. Making a few small changes is enough to flatten your belly and give you that slim and trim look. You don’t have to eat foods that burn belly fat. To be honest, there is no such thing as flat belly foods because you cannot train certain areas of your body through your food.

But what you can do is make some easy changes to reduce bloating and develop healthier habits both now and in the long term.

Make sure you add more potassium, calcium, and magnesium to your diet, and cut back on hidden sources of sodium. You can start by having veggie snacks and fruit desserts. This will enhance the mineral content in your diet and provide extra fiber for fewer grams of sodium.

For general weight loss and flat belly, the following are some easy, science-backed tips you can try:

1.     Go to bed earlier 

Don’t wait till late to go to bed. Go to bed earlier to avoid the cravings for late-night snacking. Not getting enough sleep slows down your body's metabolism. So if you want to kickstart your calorie burn, you should get at least 7 hours of sleep.

2.     Avoid skipping meals

To boost your metabolism, you should eat every 3-4 hours, without skipping breakfast. People who skip a morning meal get more hungry later in the day. You can have fiber-filled snacks to keep you feeling full and your body burning calories more steadily.

3.     Maintain a good posture

Straighten up your back and you’ll immediately notice a difference in your figure.  It will look better right away. When you have a good posture, you're automatically engaging and toning your stomach muscles. So literally (and metaphorically), stand tall.

4.     Sip more water

Water is your body’s best friend. When the body doesn’t get enough water, it starts hoarding it. This makes you carry up to 2 extra kilos around your midsection. Try and drink eight cups of water or other fluids daily.

5.     Try ISO Plus

ISO Slimming Oil Plus is an ayurvedic massage oil that contains active microelements that accelerate the fat-burning process. It is a certified product that can be completely trusted. The 100% effective Instant Slimming Oil Plus contains the right mixture of herbs that goes deep into the body and burns the stored fat. The carefully combined mixture of ayurvedic herbs not only burn fat but also does so fast enough that you can see visible results after just 10 minutes. As soon as the oil is applied, you can see smoke coming out of the targeted area. This smoke is the result of the fat burning away.

6.     Eat more water

Yes, you need to eat more water. How? It’s simple. Eat high-water foods like fruits and veggies. These help in curbing hunger and make you feel full for longer.

7.     Snack on nuts.

Eating nut is a definite shortcut to having a flatter belly. Nuts contain monounsaturated fats, which makes them a more satisfying pick than chips. Have the unsalted version and remember that one serving is about a small handful.

8.     Drink milk for breakfast

Drink a cup of low-fat milk with your breakfast. Diets that are rich in calcium lead to healthier body weight. Also, the minerals in dairy products such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium counter balance bloat-inducing sodium.

So make sure you do the above-mentioned things and make a change towards a healthier lifestyle.

For further information on ISO+, please visit

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

How to Lose Weight Easily with ISO Plus

Have you ever wondered why it is so hard to lose weight? Well, you’re not alone. There are many people who have asked themselves the exact same question, that too on many occasions. For most the answer is obvious -- food is delicious, exercise is hard and time is short.

It’s not just an excuse. You’re not just being lazy. Losing weight is hard. Losing weight means you fight not only your cravings, but also your own body. When you lose weight, it decreases the hormone leptin in your body, which signals to your brain that you're full, and increases the hormone ghrelin, which makes you feel hungry. This hormone imbalance keeps going long after you have already lost weight, making it even harder for you to keep the weight off.

And as if that wasn’t hard enough, if you cut too many calories too quickly, your metabolism slows down. Basically, if you cut calories drastically and as a result you drop a lot of weight very quickly, you’ll start losing some muscle as well. Muscle is really the engine of metabolism, so that leads to a lower metabolism.

But there is a shortcut to a healthy toned figure. We’ve all had those moments when we have a wedding or function to attend to but the fat around your body ruins your entire look. In those cases, you need a quick solution, not a diet. You need ISO Plus.

ISO Slimming Oil Plus is ayurvedic massage oil that contains active microelements that accelerate the fat burning process. It is a certified product that can be completely trusted.

The 100% effective Instant Slimming Oil Plus contains the right mixture of herbs that goes deep into the body and burns the stored fat. The carefully combined mixture of ayurvedic herbs not only burn fat but also do so fast enough that you can see visible results after just 10 minutes. As soon as the oil is applied, you can see smoke coming out of the targeted area. This smoke is the result of the fat burning away.

ISO Plus is both a short term and a long term solution. Using ISO Plus regularly will let you lose fat in the long term. But once you lose the fat you also need to be able to keep it off. Which is why you need a healthy lifestyle?

If a healthy life is what you want, you need to make some changes. Don’t worry, you don’t have to change everything overnight, but just be open to new ways of doing things.

First things first, start by breaking unhealthy daily routines. Try to get up earlier in the morning to make your lunch or do a small workout session, after your lunch hour go for a walk instead of just sitting. People often say they’re too busy to have a healthy life. This is not true. All of us can spare at least 5-10 minutes of our lives.

Keep track of how you spend your free time. Limit how much TV you watch or how long you sit at the computer or how long you use your phone. Judge yourself on how you spend your free time and where you're out of balance add more movement. Go for a walk in the evening. Turn the TV/phone off when you have your dinner. Spend more time talking to your loved ones.

Get rid of all your junk food supply. However committed you may be, having something unhealthy in front of your face will just make things harder for you. Arrange and keep track of your surroundings so they support your goals rather than sabotage them. Make friends with people who have a healthy lifestyle. Go for a jog in the morning with some company.

Lastly, remember sometimes you can't control the things around you. At work, you may be surrounded by temptations — colleagues bringing junk food, having to sit for long hours, a nearby cafeteria, and the like. But the change starts with you, have some determination and for the rest, leave it to ISO Plus.

For further information on ISO+, please visit

Thursday, February 11, 2021

6 Ayurvedic Tips To Lose Weight Naturally and Easily

Weight loss is not easy. We all want that perfect, slim figure. But wanting something and actually getting it are two different things entirely. There are many weight loss techniques you can find if you scour the internet. But the real question is, are they safe?

If you want to maintain a healthy body even with weight loss, it is important to follow a good system of weight loss techniques. The key to good weight loss is that it should not leave you feeling weak which is why the Ayurvedic system helps in promoting health, balance and longevity with a few simple guidelines.

Weight loss through ayurveda is constant and reliable and also very easy to follow. If you follow the Ayurvedic tips for weight loss it will lead to a holistic and healthy living without the usage of fad diets that provide no help to anyone.

1.     Drink water with lemon


According to Ayurveda, if you want to lose weight, the first thing you should do in the morning is drink a large glass of warm water with organic lemon. This helps in boosting the entire digestive system and giving you a bright start to your day.

2.     Do some exercise every day

Every morning, do just enough exercise to break a sweat if you want a healthy start to your day. The ideal time is 45 to 60 minutes, but even 30 will do. Do something that you can do for the rest of your life, or at least for the foreseeable future.

3.     Yoga and meditation are a must

You don’t need to spend a lot of time doing this. Just 5 to 10 minutes of peace and relaxation in the morning through yoga and meditation is enough to relax your body. This alleviates stress which is one of the main causes of weight gain. It also brings our mind to the present state allowing us to be better as our day proceeds.

4.     Say no to snacking 


It is important to eat three meals a day. But we should avoid snacking. Food is a fast-burning fuel, and if you keep giving your body fuel, even when it is not needed, it forgets how to burn fat. Have a healthy breakfast, followed by a large lunch at midday and a small dinner in the evening. Avoid any midnight snacking.

5.     Eat according to the season


Mother Nature knows how to take care of us. It gives us just what we need when we need it. In summer, we have fruits and fresh vegetables to keep us cool and energized. In the winter, there is an abundance of root vegetables, stored nuts, seeds and fruits, and stored grains to insulate us from the cold. When we eat as much organic and local food as possible, and feast on seasonal, whole foods, our bodies naturally become better at digesting and assimilating nutrients.

6.     Try ISO Slimming Oil Plus

 ISO Slimming Oil Plus contains active ayurvedic microelements that accelerate the fat burning process. It is a certified product that can be completely trusted.


The 100% effective Instant Slimming Oil Plus contains the right mixture of herbs that goes deep into the body and burns the stored fat. The carefully combined mixture of ayurvedic herbs not only burn fat but also does so fast enough that you can see visible results after just 10 minutes. As soon as the oil is applied, you can see smoke coming out of the targeted area. This smoke is the result of the fat burning away.

For further information on ISO+, please visit

Friday, February 5, 2021

Lose Up To 3 Inches With Instant Slimming Oil Plus

So you want to lose weight? Get rid of those extra few inches? Well, I assure you, you’re not alone. What does make you unique, though, is what you do to lose weight.

Are you counting calories, doing yoga, or following a strict diet plan? But what happens when there is a party in your office and you are gorging on samosas and gulping down the Pepsi.


There goes all the effort you were making to lose a few kilos. Many other ways are better to boost your metabolism and quicken the weight loss process that does not require you to do crazy exercise routines or weird diets leaving you hungry and tired all the time.


Remember, most people are battling with weight gain and obesity. In today’s world of luxury and abundance of choices, everyone finds it hard to stay slim and fit. There is no one reason behind these annoying extra pounds on the scale, there are many, like:


● Lack of proper sleep

● Stress

● Wrong eating habits

● Sedentary Lifestyle

● Hormonal imbalance

● Digestive issues

Now in an effort to get that ideal slim and trim figure some follow a tiring workout schedule while others spend their lives counting calories. Some even take weight loss pills. All these methods may seem right but they cause irreversible side effects that make the situation worse.

The most important thing to keep in mind while losing weight is that there is no harm to your body. Unfortunately, many of the popular weight loss methods do not meet this requirement.


You cannot stay on a diet all the time. Also, given our busy lives, it is very challenging for many people. 


When there are no results, people start using pills, most of which lead to hormonal disorders in the body that badly affect the immune system and liver processes. Weight loss measures should be natural and should never harm the body's internal processes. Currently, ISO Plus Oil is the only remedy that meets these requirements. ISO Slimming Oil Plus contains active ayurvedic microelements that accelerate the fat-burning process. It is a certified product that can be completely trusted.


The 100% effective Instant Slimming Oil Plus contains the right mixture of herbs that goes deep into the body and burns the stored fat. The carefully combined mixture of ayurvedic herbs not only burns fat but also does so fast enough that you can see visible results after just 10 minutes. As soon as the oil is applied, you can see smoke coming out of the targeted area. This smoke is the result of the fat burning away.


After an extensive amount of lab tests, it has been proven that ISO Plus Oil gets rid of toxins from the body thus enhancing the metabolic process. It stimulates the process of tissue regeneration and gets rid of the fat beneath the skin. It contains completely natural ingredients that actively stimulate natural fat burning inside the body. When the toxins are removed, it directly activates the metabolic processes, so that no dieting is needed to lose weight. 


With ISO+, you do not need to work out too much or count any calories. Just a balanced diet and some medium level stretching exercises are sufficient to maintain a slim figure.


ISO plus Massage Oil is advanced treatment oil with natural actives that reduce excess body fat and cellulite. It is a liposoluble anti-cellulite slimming oil.


So what’re you waiting for? Order ISO Plus now and start a fat-free life!


For further information, please visit

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