Wednesday, September 8, 2021

5 Simple Ways to Boost Your Metabolism and Lose Weight

If you’ve ever even thought about weight loss, you have heard about metabolism. How to boost your metabolism has been the biggest question in the world of fitness since practically forever. After all, don’t you want to give a little jolt to your body’s fat-burning power?

There’s a reason that people talk about metabolism so much. It’s a process through which food is turned into fuel for the body. It essentially powers everything that you do. Even while sleeping, your body needs energy for things such as breathing and repairing cell damage. 

But your metabolism has many more functions than just burning fat. It aids breathing, blood circulation, controls body temperature, and digests food, among other things. The number of calories needed for these basic functions are known as your resting metabolic rate (RMR). This impacts everything from the size of your  waist to how much energy you have on a daily basis. 

Before we go any further, let’s make one thing clear, you cannot completely control your metabolism. There are so many things that go into making your metabolism what it is, such as your body type, gender, and age, and you have zero control over these. Still, you can give a healthy boost to your metabolism each day through some healthy habits. Here’s what you can do to kickstart your metabolism.

 5 tips to boost metabolism

1.     Eat healthy fats

 It may sound odd but if you want to learn how to boost your metabolism, you need to start by eating fats. Omega-3s and unsaturated fats are healthy fats that improve your blood sugar and reduce inflammation. Both of them are useful for better metabolism. If you are a non vegetarian, include more fatty fish in your diet such as tuna, mackerel, and salmon. For vegetarians, good options for healthy fats include avocados, nuts, and flaxseed.

2.     Eat more Vitamin B

 Vitamin B is very useful for converting carbs, fats and proteins into energy. A deficiency of vitamin B makes your metabolism slow and leaves you fatigued, possibly depressed and vulnerable to diseases. Add more spinach, melon, broccoli, and lean proteins such as beans, fish and eggs to your diet. This will help to keep a good stock of B vitamins. You'll find yourself feeling more energetic right away.

3.     Eat a healthy breakfast everyday

 We’ve all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. However, many people are still skipping this meal. Eating breakfast first thing in the morning gives a boost to your metabolism. It also allows your body to keep burning energy all day long. So stay away from your usual paratha with jam and instead start your day with oatmeal with fruit, or eggs with vegetables.

4.     Lift weights

 As great as cardio is, it will not increase your metabolism. For that you need to lift weights. Generally men tend to include weight training in their fitness program while women shy away from it. This is a pity because weight lifting is very beneficial for you. Most women are afraid that they’ll gain too much muscle from weights, but that’s not true at all. Muscle building means that you can burn more calories while resting. You may find that you look more toned and your clothes will become looser.

5.     Eat healthy snacks

 People say that snacking between meals is not good for your waist size. However, this only happens if you snack on foods without nutrition. Instead of relying on processed, unhealthy snacks to get you through the day, you should eat healthy, whole foods such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds.

 It’s not enough to just boost your metabolism, you need to provide some external aid as well. For this, you need ISO Plus. ISO Plus is an ayurvedic oil for fat loss that penetrates deep into the fat cells and melts them from the inside. It also cleans the accumulated toxins and triggers the fat cells so that they can be converted into energy. ISO Plus is the best slimming oil in India. It is unlike any other similar product in the market since it produces smoke on contact with the skin. This smoke opens up the pores allowing the oil to get absorbed more effectively. All it takes is just 10 minutes!

 For more information, please visit

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Want To Lose Weight at Your Workplace?


People often have to face many health-related problems due to working while sitting in the same chair for hours upon hours in the office. Obesity or weight is also one of these health problems.

It isn’t easy to lose weight, but this task becomes even more difficult when you spend eight hours a day working at a desk job.

The habits we pick up at work like sitting all day, having quick lunches, and relying on office snacks to keep our stomachs full, it's all too easy to gain weight without meaning to.

Implementing these weight-loss tips at work can help you avoid meaningless snacking and going weeks without any major physical activity. Make small, doable changes that you can easily integrate into your workday routine.

Prepare yourself

First you need to make your own mind up. Are you really ready to make the changes needed to lead a healthier lifestyle? You need to be motivated to take the time out to sleep and exercise on time. After a while, these changes will turn into habits and then there’ll be no looking back.

Eat homemade food

I know this is easier said than done. After being exhausted the whole day, even the thought of cooking dinner seems terrifying. So you end up getting your food delivered. In order to avoid this, cook both your lunch and dinner together. After this, you will only need to heat the food before eating your dinner.

Walk at work

If you have a meeting with your juniors, then instead of using a sitting area or conference room, turn it into a walk meeting or garden meeting. This will help you digest your recent meals and also burn some calories. While talking on the phone, instead of sitting, walk as you talk. Take a stroll through your office open spaces as you are talking. You can even take the stairs if you want to burn even more calories. This simple workout will help your body stay energetic throughout the day.

Control your diet

Avoid eating snacks in the office. Make time for exercise in the morning and evening. Make a plan for this. After coming home, instead of getting busy playing with your phone or laptop, try to sleep early so that you can get eight hours of sleep together.

Avoid eating out

Who doesn't like to eat out with friends? Of course, you cannot stop going out with friends, but you can control what you are eating and drinking. Therefore, avoid eating high-calorie meals/street snacks.

Make some fitness buddies

Not everyone in your office team will be interested but there will be some people who are as conscious about their fitness as you. Find those people and join them in your office gym or any gym near your office.This will allow you to enjoy the company of your friends, as well as keep your commitment to fitness.

Set achievable goals

Achieving long-term goals takes time. So set some small goals. Decide what you want to do within the next month. For example, in the next one month, you have to lose three kilos, attend yoga classes or go to the gym. Doing this can help you a lot in reducing weight.

If you want to boost up your weight loss efforts a bit more, you should try ISO Plus. ISO Plus is a slimming weight loss oil that can burn fat from stubborn areas within minutes. You can use this massage oil to melt the fat in your belly, upper arms, thighs and hips. It is really easy to use and very effective. Do a massage with ISO Plus after showering, before you get ready for work. For best results, do another massage in the evening after getting home as well. ISO Plus will really speed up your weight loss journey by 10 times.

For more information, please visit 

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