Monday, May 17, 2021

Fast and Healthy Ways to Lose Weight | ISO Plus


Many of us want to lose weight and we keep trying all kinds of diets and exercises to burn those extra calories. But it still doesn’t work as planned. So, we need some fast and healthy ways that can boost up our weight loss process and help us to shed those extra kilos faster. But this doesn’t mean that you need to skip your meals or do extremely vigorous exercises for that. The right methods will always help you lose your weight fast. 

Fast and healthy ways to lose weight:

1.     Eat more vegetables

Vegetables are full of nutritious fibre that improves your digestion and makes you feel full for a longer time. Both these effects ultimately help you in losing weight fast while curbing sudden hunger pangs. So, make sure you add all healthy vegetables to your regular diet plan.

2.     Eat a healthy breakfast

Even if you’re planning on eating junk for lunch and dinner, start a healthy breakfast containing lean proteins, eggs, veggies, fruits, nuts and seeds, whole grains etc. These will make you feel full for longer and kill sudden food cravings. A healthy breakfast with protein also makes you more energetic throughout the day.

3.     Drink more coffee

Coffee is a great source of antioxidants that protects your body from free radical damage. It also lowers chances of bloating. So, make sure you add coffee to your regular diet. If you really don’t like coffee, you can try different herbal teas like fennel root tea, dandelion tea etc. to give a boost to your weight loss process.

4.     No sugary beverages

Stay away from or at least limit your intake of various kinds of sugary drinks such as juice, soda, cold-drinks, sweetened coffee or tea, alcohol etc. These just give your body lots of unnecessary calories that is one of the biggest problems of weight gain.

5.     Strength training

Do strength training so that you can work on your lean muscle tissue. This will help you burn the extra calories. You can do strength training by doing push-ups, squats, lunges etc. regularly.

6.     Eat spicy foods

Eating spicy foods can actually help you burn more calories because spices contain capsaicin which actually increases the release of the stress hormone, adrenaline. This secretion then improves your ability to burn calories.

7.     Go to bed earlier

Going to bed early in the night and sticking to a regular schedule is really beneficial for your body. And keep a journal with you so that you can track your weight loss progress.

Sometimes it may be possible that even as you are losing weight there are some problematic areas in your body that still appear fat. Seeing those areas can make you lose motivation. You can melt the fat in these areas by using slimming oils.

Slimming oils contain a storehouse of ingredients that are effective in weight loss.

The Ayurvedic herbs in ISO+ (Instant Slimming Oil Plus) like Nirgundi, Punarnava, Black Pepper etc. are natural agents that work in favor of slimming. These ingredients give the oil favorable properties that tackle cellulite naturally without causing any harm to the skin or the body either internally or externally.

ISO+ Ayurvedic Slimming Oil for weight loss and inch loss is not just beneficial for relaxing, but it also increases sweating, blood flow and helps the body in expelling toxins. For example ingredients like Nirgundi work for circulation and black pepper acts as a purifier ridding the body of excessive toxic fluids.

Therefore, fat loss has never been easier! For further information, please visit

Thursday, May 13, 2021

What is Udvarthana: Ayurvedic Massage For Fat Burn | ISO Plus


Have you ever heard the term ‘Udvarthana’? It is also known as 'scrub and trim', Udvarthana is one of the most popular treatments for weight loss in Ayurveda. It refers to a unique deep tissue massage using herbal remedies. After the thorough analysation of the lifestyle pattern of a person, Ayurveda recommends a combination of herbs and oils that would help give the specific results one is looking for. The heat generated through massage melts the excess fat that is accumulated in the body.

This Ayurvedic massage therapy reduces the appearance of cellulite in the body, making the treatment beneficial for people struggling with obesity. Sometimes ayurvedic experts may also advise this for treating certain arthritis conditions as well. Basically, the word ‘Udvarthana’ means the elevation and upward strokes during a massage. 

Udvarthana is usually suggested to people suffering from obesity or overweight, diabetic neuropathy, muscular fatigue, rheumatoid arthritis, to treat the glow and feel of the skin, to relax from the stresses, for body stiffness, and as a rejuvenation treatment. It can also be given for a particular body part to decrease the sthanika or localized fat deposition such as to help reduce the abdominal fat accumulation. It also helps in improving the blood flow of a specific portion of the body.

The effect of Udvarthana is increased by following a strict diet according to ayurvedic guidelines. Kaphahara ahara/diet and lifestyle is very useful in lowering the surplus accumulated Kapha from the body. A Kapha-balancing diet involves foods such as low-fat milk, fresh greens and veggies, and cutting back on sweets and dairy products, fresh fruits. It is also very good to do brisk walking for 20 minutes or do yoga or exercise for 30 minutes.

Udvarthana has many benefits such as toning and exfoliating the skin, reducing fat tissue and weight, making the skin radiant and luminous, improving skin complexion, eliminating terrible body odor, removing toxins, and cleansing the epidermis.

Cellulite Reduction & obesity: Udvarthana is very useful in reducing cellulite and fat accumulation. Overweight people can use this method to keep their body weight in control. The herbal massage helps to break down the cellulite and burn the accumulated fat.

Abdominal Fat Accumulation: For people who have loose skin on arms, buttocks, thighs, or abdomen, an Ayurvedic massage will be quite effective. It will reduce the subcutaneous fatty tissue and tissue. It lowers body weight and assists other weight loss remedies.

Other Benefits

      Energising the blood circulation and revitalising the touch sense.

      Eliminating body odour.

      Strengthening the muscles and fighting body stiffness.

      Exfoliating the dead skin cells, thereby improving skin texture.

For Udvarthana, it is very important to choose the right combination of ayurvedic ingredients. ISO Plus Slimming oil has been made specifically for this purpose. You can use it on your own in order to lose fat from a specific area of your body. The 100% effective Instant Slimming Oil Plus contains the right mixture of herbs that goes deep into the body and burns the stored fat. The carefully combined mixture of ayurvedic herbs not only burns fat but also does so fast enough that you can see visible results after just 10 minutes. As soon as the oil is applied, you can see smoke coming out of the targeted area. This smoke is the result of the fat burning away.

ISO Plus Massage Oil is an advanced treatment oil with natural ingredients that reduce excess body fat and cellulite. It is a liposoluble anti-cellulite slimming oil. So what are you waiting for? Order ISO Plus now and get rid of fat forever!

For further information, please visit

Friday, May 7, 2021

5 Tips for Losing Weight by Walking at Home | ISO +


When it comes to weight loss, we only think of treadmills and dumbbells. But have you ever thought how great it would be if you could lose weight by doing one of the simplest things in the world, that we do everyday anyway? Walking. So, why are you still thinking? Right now, we’re all at home and not going anywhere for a while so why not just start walking at home. Walking is one of the simplest exercises you can do at home. So, trim down your waistline and burn some calories right at home


1. Walk up to 15,000 steps each day


Keep track of the number of steps you walk per day through apps like google fit or use your fitness band. Walking 15,000 steps per day might sound like too much at first but once you start walking, it is very much doable. You don’t have to do it all at once. And even if you intensify your walk, it won’t lead to sore muscles.


2. Walk thrice a day for 20 minutes each


Just like eating three meals in a day, you should have three 20-minutes walking sessions instead of a long-stretch walk. In fact, if you walk 15-20 minutes after every meal, it will keep your blood sugar levels in control far more than taking a long 45 minutes walk once a day. So why not make the most of all this lockdown time and walk in intervals rather than in one go?


3. Drink green tea before you walk


Giving yourself a metabolism boost can be a sure win-win for burning extra kilos. Green tea does exactly that. It contains a perfect combination of caffeine and catechins that catalyze the fat-burning process, where the former is responsible for inducing fat-burn by promoting thermogenesis and the latter enhances oxidation of fat.


4. Change your pace and take one-minute interval break


Your body does not like monotony any more than your mind does. When you maintain a steady rate while walking it lowers the calorie burning effect so it’s best to incorporate walking at a varied speed in your walking routine. According to studies, this change in practice can enhance calorie burn by up to 20 per cent. Also, try and include one-minute intervals in your walking routine to help you burn even more calories.


5. Add some bodyweight exercises


It is without a doubt that walking is an amazing exercise for your body because it keeps your body going. And if walking is accompanied with bodyweight exercises, it can simply do wonders for your body. You don’t have to go too hardcore, just do 15-20 squats a day to increase your heart beat leading to an amazing workout routine altogether.


Sometimes it may be possible that even as you are losing weight there are some problematic areas in your body that still appear fat. Seeing those areas can make you lose motivation. You can melt the fat in these areas by using slimming oils. Slimming oils contain a storehouse of ingredients that are effective in weight loss. The Ayurvedic herbs in ISO+ (Instant Slimming Oil Plus) like Nirgundi, Punarnava, Black Pepper etc. are natural agents that work in favor of slimming. These ingredients give the oil favorable properties that tackle cellulite naturally without causing any harm to the skin or the body either internally or externally.


ISO+ Ayurvedic Slimming Oil for weight loss and inch loss is not just beneficial for relaxing, but it also increases sweating, blood flow and helps the body in expelling toxins. For example ingredients like Nirgundi work for circulation and black pepper acts as a purifier ridding the body of excessive toxic fluids. Therefore, fat loss has never been easier!


For further information, please visit

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Burn Fat Quickly With These Simple Tips | ISO


Fat burn is a difficult task for many who want to lose weight. When you lose weight, your body enjoys a number of benefits like better sleep, better hormonal balance, reduced joint pain, relief from stress, and improved memory.

But other than weight loss, there are many benefits of burning the extra fat stored in our body. Some of these benefits are maintenance of good cholesterol levels, lower risk of cardiovascular diseases, better mental focus, stable blood glucose level, prevention of metabolic disorders and last but not least, glowing skin.

With these many benefits, don’t you wish there were any quick and easy ways to burn fat. There is! You can burn fat quickly and enjoy these benefits in no time. As you add the following habits in your lifestyle, you will lead a healthy life with a fit body.


      Eat a lot of healthy fat: As counterintuitive as it may sound, it is true. The more healthy fat you eat, the less fat you will have on your body. This is because fat takes longer to digest. Hence eating healthy fat can help in lowering your appetite, which in turn will stop your weight gain and help you in reducing fat around your belly.


      Switch to healthier drinks and say goodbye to your sweetened drinks such as your daily chai or milk coffee. This is one of the easiest ways to burn fat quickly. Drink more and more water and green tea. Green tea is packed with antioxidants called catechins that help in reducing fat and boosting metabolism, which is very important for weight loss.


      Start strength training. When you push your muscles against resistance, it builds more muscle mass and strengthens your body. Strength training has numerous  health benefits, and of course it’s biggest health benefit is fat burn. This form of exercise also reduces belly fat.


      Get enough sleep. According to studies, people who get enough sleep tend to lose weight at a faster rate. Sleeping at least 6-8 hours in a day can boost the process of fat burning in your body and eventually prevent weight gain. Hence, make sure you get the right amount of sleep and most importantly, sleep on time. Avoid staying up late at night as much as possible.


      Increase iron in your diet. If you have an iron deficiency, chances are that you might suffer from fatigue and shortness of breath. But, if you treat your iron deficiency, you will give a boost to your metabolism, thus leading to increased levels of activity and fat burn. So try to include leafy vegetables, greens, dry fruits, and meat in your daily diet.

Some people who count their calories and work out still have to worry about stubborn areas. They can use ISO Slimming Oil. It can lead to lasting weight loss and an instantly improved body image. If you want to lose weight fast and shed those extra kilos, ISO is the best option for you. It can offer an immediate change in your body. Just massage using ISO for 10 minutes and you’ll see the way your body slims down. And if you just want to burn the fat of a specific area in your body such as the belly, hips, thighs or arms you can do that with ISO.

Buy ISO Slimming Oil Now!!

For more information, please visit

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

4 Easy Chair Exercises for Older People | ISO Plus


Now is the most important time when older people should be paying attention to the good health of their bodies. We know that we as a nation are going through a hard time. It will take a long while for things to go back to normal and that includes gyms being open again. But that does not mean that we can give up on our fitness. A healthy body means a healthy immunity which will help us fight against the deadly virus.

Now, if you’re a beginner, you may find it too confusing to know where to start. Don’t worry, you don’t have to do any hard core training exercises. Instead, it is best to start slow. These exercises are particularly beneficial for those who are a bit older in age and struggle with mobility issues. So, if you have elders at home then this exercise routine will be perfect for them. Fitness beginners will also benefit from sitting exercises. These gentle sitting exercises can be done at home easily.

If you don’t generally exercise much, do not worry, these seated exercises are gentle and easy to follow. All you need is a solid, stable chair on which you can sit with your feet flat on the floor and knees bent at right angles. Do not use chairs with arms, as these will restrict your movement. Wear loose, comfortable clothing and keep your water bottle with you. Work slowly and aim to gradually increase the repetitions of each exercise over time.

Do these exercises at least two times a week.

1. Posture check

Sit on the chair and keep your upper body straight. Keep your back straight. This will tone multiple stabilizer muscles in your body. Make sitting into an exercise by bringing your knees close together and clenching the inner parts of your thighs. Squeeze the buttocks while you pull your bellybutton in. Press your shoulders back. Stay in this position for long as possible

2. Seated Jumping Jacks

Now let’s do some cardio exercise without getting up from your chair. Do a few jumping jacks while you’re seated. Move towards the edge of the chair and open and close your arms and legs simultaneously or even alternatively. This is basically just jumping jacks in a seated position. Do it as quickly as you can and finish 10-20 reps for 2-3 sets.

3. Abs twister

To increase the mobility of your spine, do this exercise everyday. Move to the very edge of your chair and cross your arms at your chest. Pull your belly button inwards and stay in this position as you turn your torso first towards the right and then left. Alternate for 3 sets of 20-25 reps on each side. This exercise will also help in relieving the stiffness and or pain of your lower back.

4. Shoulder Press

Increase the strength of your shoulder muscles while sitting on a chair. Keep your feet firmly on the floor. Take a pair of dumbbells or water bottles in your hands, and hold them at shoulder level. Keep your palms facing outwards. Extend the elbows and press the dumbbells or water bottles over your head. Hold for a second before slowly returning to the starting position. Repeat 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps. 

Along with this, if you want to speed up your weight loss process, Ayurveda has recommended several herbs that can melt away your fat in an instant. These ayurvedic herbs have been carefully combined together in ISO Plus. ISO+ is an instant slimming massage oil that can be massaged onto any area of the body like the belly, thighs, arms and hips. It is often recommended by bodybuilders and personal trainers and has been called the best massage oil for fat burn. Just massage with this fat burning oil for 10 minutes and you will see smoke coming out of the area. This smoke is the result of the fat cells burning away. It is the best Slimming oil for fat loss. You can buy ISO Plus using either cash on delivery or online payment.

For more information, please visit

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