Thursday, May 13, 2021

What is Udvarthana: Ayurvedic Massage For Fat Burn | ISO Plus


Have you ever heard the term ‘Udvarthana’? It is also known as 'scrub and trim', Udvarthana is one of the most popular treatments for weight loss in Ayurveda. It refers to a unique deep tissue massage using herbal remedies. After the thorough analysation of the lifestyle pattern of a person, Ayurveda recommends a combination of herbs and oils that would help give the specific results one is looking for. The heat generated through massage melts the excess fat that is accumulated in the body.

This Ayurvedic massage therapy reduces the appearance of cellulite in the body, making the treatment beneficial for people struggling with obesity. Sometimes ayurvedic experts may also advise this for treating certain arthritis conditions as well. Basically, the word ‘Udvarthana’ means the elevation and upward strokes during a massage. 

Udvarthana is usually suggested to people suffering from obesity or overweight, diabetic neuropathy, muscular fatigue, rheumatoid arthritis, to treat the glow and feel of the skin, to relax from the stresses, for body stiffness, and as a rejuvenation treatment. It can also be given for a particular body part to decrease the sthanika or localized fat deposition such as to help reduce the abdominal fat accumulation. It also helps in improving the blood flow of a specific portion of the body.

The effect of Udvarthana is increased by following a strict diet according to ayurvedic guidelines. Kaphahara ahara/diet and lifestyle is very useful in lowering the surplus accumulated Kapha from the body. A Kapha-balancing diet involves foods such as low-fat milk, fresh greens and veggies, and cutting back on sweets and dairy products, fresh fruits. It is also very good to do brisk walking for 20 minutes or do yoga or exercise for 30 minutes.

Udvarthana has many benefits such as toning and exfoliating the skin, reducing fat tissue and weight, making the skin radiant and luminous, improving skin complexion, eliminating terrible body odor, removing toxins, and cleansing the epidermis.

Cellulite Reduction & obesity: Udvarthana is very useful in reducing cellulite and fat accumulation. Overweight people can use this method to keep their body weight in control. The herbal massage helps to break down the cellulite and burn the accumulated fat.

Abdominal Fat Accumulation: For people who have loose skin on arms, buttocks, thighs, or abdomen, an Ayurvedic massage will be quite effective. It will reduce the subcutaneous fatty tissue and tissue. It lowers body weight and assists other weight loss remedies.

Other Benefits

      Energising the blood circulation and revitalising the touch sense.

      Eliminating body odour.

      Strengthening the muscles and fighting body stiffness.

      Exfoliating the dead skin cells, thereby improving skin texture.

For Udvarthana, it is very important to choose the right combination of ayurvedic ingredients. ISO Plus Slimming oil has been made specifically for this purpose. You can use it on your own in order to lose fat from a specific area of your body. The 100% effective Instant Slimming Oil Plus contains the right mixture of herbs that goes deep into the body and burns the stored fat. The carefully combined mixture of ayurvedic herbs not only burns fat but also does so fast enough that you can see visible results after just 10 minutes. As soon as the oil is applied, you can see smoke coming out of the targeted area. This smoke is the result of the fat burning away.

ISO Plus Massage Oil is an advanced treatment oil with natural ingredients that reduce excess body fat and cellulite. It is a liposoluble anti-cellulite slimming oil. So what are you waiting for? Order ISO Plus now and get rid of fat forever!

For further information, please visit

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