Sunday, June 27, 2021

5 Tips Every Woman Should Know Before Going to the Gym


In the world we live in today, struggling with weight issues is not an anomaly. In fact, it’s the most common issue that those of us belonging to the fairer sex face. With the kind of lifestyle we lead and the food habits we have acquired, it is incredibly easy to get overweight.


The rise of the technological era and our terrifyingly sedentary lifestyle has certainly not helped matters when it comes to leading a healthy life. While even just a few decades back, we would have spent our evenings playing sports, meeting with friends, or going to the market, now we spend most of our time indoors. Everything can be home delivered and the entire world is at the tip of our fingertips.


So, what’s to stop us from gaining weight?


But don’t worry, if we can put on weight, we can lose it as well. In most cases, you can immediately get to your ideal body weight by just making a few changes to your daily routine like choosing healthier food options, doing a 30-minute workout routine and leaving your sedentary lifestyle behind.


I know it can be very daunting to start exercising, especially when you’re not used to it. But don’t worry, the journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step. And before you take your first step, here are 5 things you should keep in mind if you want to start working out. So, without further ado, these are 5 tips every gym beginner should know.


Getting started


Tip 1: Get the right shoes and clothes


Before you start your workout life, be it any kind of exercise, it is very important that you wear the right kind of shoes and clothes. Make sure you wear shoes that are well cushioned. Do not go for a run or jog wearing your floaters, chappals, or even canvas shoes, as it can have a negative effect on your joints. Also, always run on a hard surface. The best track for running is actually a mud track. If you have the option of running on a beach, that would be a good choice. But remember to run on hard sand, not soft. Also, never run on concrete. Finally, your clothes should be stretchable and comfortable, so no jeans or shirts.


Tip 2: Only exercise for around 1½ hours at a time


Never exercise for more than 1½ hours at a stretch. This will put too much pressure on your body. You can do more than 1½ hours of exercise in a day but only with long intervals in between. But even that is inadvisable. Any more than that will overload your body, and will lead to sprains and aches. If you’re exercising with a personal trainer then you don’t need to worry about this. They will create an exercise routine best suited to your needs. And as for the frequency, the general advice is to exercise 6 days a week with a break on the seventh day to just rest and relax. If you don’t have too much time, you can vary your exercise duration from 1 hour to 30 minutes. On your busy days, a 30-minute exercise session is more than enough.


Tip 3: Don’t forget to warm-up before you exercise


Do you ever come home from the gym and just feel like you cannot move your arms or your legs? Chances are, this is because you have not done your stretching before or after your workout. When you do yoga, your body opens up and the blood flow into your muscles increases. But when you do other exercises, the opposite might happen. If you don’t do stretching before and after your workout, your body might end up getting stiff.


I have often seen people not understanding the importance of stretching. So, why is stretching so important? It relaxes and provides a better shape to your body. And we all know that just losing weight is not enough, we need a toned body as well. This is why products like ISO Plus slimming oil are so popular - because they give the body the toned shape that we’re all looking for.


When it comes to stretching, what people don’t know is that it also plays an important role in weight loss. Regular stretching makes you less vulnerable to injuries, aches and pains. Trust me, I have personal experience with this. I used to really suffer after every one of my workout sessions until a trainer saw me and told me to start stretching. I assure you the difference was remarkable.


Tip 4: Breathe right when you exercise


I often see that many people do not breathe right when they exercise. It is very important to not hold your breath while exercising. This will just put pressure on your internal organs. The general rule of breathing for exercise is to inhale through your nose, so the air enters your belly, right before the eccentric (muscle-lengthening) motion and exhale, completely through your mouth, during the concentric (muscle-shortening) motion. For example, if you’re doing a squat, inhale just before you start lowering down, and exhale when you extend your legs back to the starting position. For a push-up, you would inhale at the starting position, before bending your elbows, and exhale as you rise back up.


Tip 5: Do not work out during the first three days of your period


Alright, ladies! This is a very important tip. For the first 3 days of your period, treat your body right. Let it rest and relax. This is a time when your body deserves to be pampered and not put through the pressures of exercising.


So, these are all the tips I have. Keep these in mind and have a happy start to your fitness journey! If you have any questions, please let me know.


Be safe, be healthy :)

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