Friday, July 30, 2021

7 Healthy Habits to Lose Weight According to Ayurveda | ISO Plus


For thousands of years, our ancestors have used ayurvedic remedies and treatments for almost all ailments. This belief in Ayurveda also ensured that our ancestors had a long life and remained fit and healthy till the end of their days.

In olden times, allopathic medicines were not available. Major diseases were treated with Ayurveda. Today, times have changed, Ayurvedic medicines have been replaced by Allopathic medicines. But even today many people prefer Ayurveda, especially when it comes to prevention.

The non-western approach to wellness is also becoming quite famous. People are using massage, meditation, acupuncture and aromatherapy for a healthy lifestyle.

According to Ayurveda, people with Kapha dosha are more likely to be overweight. Their metabolism tends to be weak. An imbalance of Kapha dosha is the cause of weight gain. For weight loss, it is necessary to reduce Kapha dosha.

People with barely any fat or excessive fat, also known as anorexia or obese bodies are most susceptible to diseases.

How to Lose Weight According to Ayurveda?

1.     Eat three meals a day

Healthy food is of great importance in Ayurveda. Instead of having more food in one go, one should take three light meals a day. This strengthens the metabolism and keeps the weight in control.

2.     Avoid eating too many snacks

If you eat three meals a day, then you should avoid eating processed or junk food. The reason for this is that in the interval between two meals, the body expends energy and does not allow fat to accumulate. Due to this the energy level remains constant in the body and your weight also stays stable. 

3.     Do not eat anything after 7 pm

To keep your weight under control, eat your food at a fixed time. Eating anything at any time leads to bloating and constipation. According to Ayurveda, dinner should be eaten before 7 pm. This gives the body enough time to digest everything overnight so that you feel refreshed in the morning.

4.     Add 6 flavors to your meals

According to Ayurveda, sour, sweet, bitter, salty, astringent and pungent flavors should be included in the meals in order to control excessive appetite. This will prevent excess fat from accumulating on the body.

5.     Eat home cooked food

Homemade fresh and clean food is of great importance in Ayurveda. In order to make the food in the market spicy, many things are mixed in it which are injurious to health. By eating homemade food, the body remains healthy and weight can also be controlled.

6.     Eat Fruits

According to Ayurveda, except citrus fruits, all other fruits can be eaten on an empty stomach in the morning. You can eat banana, pear, apple, guava or peach in the morning. They are very nutritious, will help you control your weight, as well as benefit your digestive system. You can also eat them an hour before meal times as they get digested quickly.

7.     Do an ayurvedic slimming massage

Ayurveda also recommends a vigorous massage using an ayurvedic oil to reduce fat. Massage your belly, thighs, or arms using ISO plus slimming oil to get instant inch loss. ISO+ is packed with potent ayurvedic ingredients that penetrate deep into the fat cells. As you massage the oil onto your body, you will see smoke coming out of the area. This smoke is the result of fat burn. ISO Plus is completely herbal so it can be used safely by anyone. For long term fat burn, use twice a day until you get your desired figure.

For more information, please visit

Friday, July 23, 2021

Top 8 Exercises to Reduce Belly Fat | ISO Plus


The first place in the body where fat gets deposited is in the stomach and waist. Due to belly fat, the internal activities of the body become slow and the risk of obesity induced diseases also increase.

How to reduce belly fat?

By combining proper nutrition and proper exercise, the fat burning process can be accelerated in a healthy way and belly fat can be reduced.

1.     (1-3 days) Increase body flexibility

Do light warm-up exercises. This will make the body flexible and ready for further exercises.

2. (3-6 days) Develop stamina

Develop stamina for more strenuous exercise in the body by gradually increasing the exercise time.

3. (6-9 days) Spin bike, walk treadmill

Increase exercise time. Give more time to exercises like spin bike, treadmill walk.

4. (9-12 days) Exercise the lower pelvic region

This includes exercises such as single leg crunch, double leg crunch and scissors  two times a day - in the morning and evening.

5. (12-30 days) Do full waist and abdominal exercises

Add this to your exercise routine - leg stretches, leg drops, cycle crunches, planks, V crunches, side crunches and abdominal exercises.

Exercises for reducing belly fat

1.     Scissors

Lie on your back and raise both the legs. Bring the right leg down slowly before straightening it. Then while bringing the left leg down, raise the right leg. Repeat 10-12 times.

2.     Single Leg Stretch

Lie on your back and raise both legs. Now bend the left leg from the knee and hold it with your hands. After 5 seconds, straighten the legs. Repeat the same using your right leg. Repeat 10-12 times.

3.     Leg Drop

Lying on the back, slowly raise the legs upwards and straighten them. Wait a while Then bring the legs down and stop making an angle of 45 degrees. Repeat this 10-12 times

4.     Double Leg Stretch

Lie on your back and raise both legs. Then bend both legs together at the knees. Hold onto your feet for 5 seconds. Straighten the legs back. Repeat 10-12 times.

5.     Plank

Lie down on your stomach. Now lift the body up on the toes and hands. Keep the body tight. Maintain this position for 10 seconds. Repeat 4-5 times.

6.    Bicycle Crunch

Lie down on your back. Put your hands under your head and pretend as if you’re riding a bicycle in the air with your feet. If possible, try to touch the knees with the elbows. Repeat 10-12 times.

7.     Side Plank

Lie down on your side. Raise your body using just one hand and both legs and keep it up for half a minute. Keep the stomach and thighs stretched up. Do this 10-12 times.

8.     V Crunch

While lying on your back, inhaling, raise both the hands up in line with the ears. Then, raise both the legs up and make a V position, while exhaling. Do this 10-12 times.

What to do after exercise?

After you are finished with your workout, massage your belly with ISO Plus oil. This slimming massage oil is perfect for targeted fat burn in the belly. Just massage your belly with ISO+ oil for 10 minutes until the oil is absorbed completely. The oil is packed with pure and natural ayurvedic herbs that penetrate into the fat cells beneath the skin and shrink them from the inside. This allows you to achieve immediate inch loss. ISO Plus oil is the perfect way to burn belly fat fast. Order your ISO+ oil today!

For more information, please visit

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

How Can Women Lose Weight After 40?


Yes, that’s right! It is entirely possible to lose weight even after the age of 40. As we grow older, not only do the fine lines on our face increase, but our weight also keeps going up. Ultimately, this increased weight becomes the underlying cause behind many diseases. Women often struggle more with weight gain, especially as they grow older because of hormones and pregnancy. The only way to control weight gain is by making lifestyle changes.

if you are 40 years old, you may think that losing weight will be a herculean task. But, that is not the case. According to experts, you can easily lose weight at any age with just a few healthy lifestyle changes.

1.     Strength training to burn calories

As we reach the age of 40, there are many changes that take place in our bodies. One of these changes is the reduction of muscle mass. Actually, muscle mass itself acts as an engine for burning calories in the body. When the muscle mass starts decreasing, then instead of burning calories, they begin to get stored in the body. These calories later turn into body fat.

Experts believe that every year up to 1 percent of the muscle mass in our body decreases. In women, it is also directly related to the hormones estrogen and testosterone. The decrease in muscle mass also reduces the secretion of these two hormones, which affects menopause. Because of all this, the metabolism slows down and our body is not able to burn calories at the rate it used to do before. This is a pre-menopausal condition and at the same time excess fat starts accumulating in the body.

Strength training (exercise done to strengthen muscles) will give you many benefits. Do strength training at least two to four times a week. This will increase your muscle mass, reduce fat and improve metabolism. If you don’t know how to start strength training, then make sure you take the help of a personal trainer, because training wrongly can really hurt you. Take 30 seconds of rest between each exercise. Along with exercise, you also have to pay attention to your diet. The quantity of complex carbohydrates i.e. whole grains will have to be increased in the food plate, whereas simple carbohydrates like flour etc. should be avoided.

2.     Exercise More As You Get Older

Most women do not exercise because they don’t know how important exercise is for a healthy life. This has to do with increasing weight as well. If you don't start exercising even as your weight increases, then this will result in your weight increasing continuously. But it is also true that with age, the ability and desire of both men and women to exercise decreases. After crossing the age of 40, the body also has comparatively low energy and stamina to exercise. Meaning, even after lots of exercise, the calorie reduction is not much. Calorie does not decrease and the weight just keeps on increasing. Remember that the more exercise you do, the more protein you will need to include in your diet.

The thinking that you should exercise less as you age is not right. According to experts, with increasing age, more exercise is needed. If you feel that you are not able to exercise well at first, then start again, but slowly. Start with a walk, then gradually increase the speed and distance of the walk. Overall, with increasing age, you do not have to stop, but rather run faster, so that you can stay fit.

3.     Keep Your Thyroid in Control

A 2017 report says that every third Indian has a thyroid problem. In such a situation, it becomes even more important to take care of the health of this gland especially since it is directly related to age. Actually, with age, our metabolism starts to slow down. The thyroid gland controls metabolism. If the thyroid is more or less then our metabolism will also be affected by this. In both these situations it will be harmful to the body. If you have a fast metabolism, then even if you want to, you will find it hard to gain weight. This condition is known as hyperthyroid. At the same time, if you have a slow metabolism, then your weight will just keep on increasing. This condition is known as hypothyroid. In this case, you will feel a lack of energy making you lethargic.

Add more and more selenium-rich foods to your diet. Selenium is a kind of mineral which also helps a lot in fighting infection. Both milk and curd are good sources of selenium. One cup of milk or yogurt contains eight micrograms of selenium. It is also found in good quantities in eggs and chicken.

4.     Enjoy the results

Sometimes the biggest demotivator, while you’re trying to lose weight, is not seeing the results. Often, this is due to high expectations. Weight loss is a gradual process and it will take time. Keep your motivation up by celebrating small victories. If your weight drops by even 3 grams, congratulate yourself. If you are really not seeing any results, try using slimming oils. Slimming oils work quickly and give a visible result that can keep you motivated to keep going.

Make sure you choose a good slimming oil such as ISO Plus ayurvedic slimming oil. You can massage this oil into your skin and you will see a visible difference within just 10 minutes. Instant Slimming Oil Plus is packed with effective ayurvedic ingredients that penetrate deep into the fat cells and burn them from the inside. Make sure you massage thoroughly after you apply the oil. The heat that you create through the massage will cause smoke to rise which will aid in inch loss. Do not use slimming oils that contain chemicals as they can harm your skin. It is best to stick to ayurvedic products.

Some other things you should keep in mind:

      Reduce sugar intake.

      Make sure you eat seasonal fruits and vegetables.

      If you have depression or its symptoms, then meditate.

      Increase the amount of protein in your diet.

      Eat according to your BMR.

Finally, stay healthy, stay happy :)

For more information, please visit

Saturday, July 3, 2021

6 Effective Ways to Burn Belly Fat Without Exercise | ISO Plus


There’s a popular weight-loss mantra that we’ve all heard: Exercise more and eat less. And although exercise and diet are often mentioned together, these two things don't need to be treated equally, when it comes to weight loss. In fact, you can absolutely lose weight without exercise.

Let’s just make one thing clear, this does not mean that moderate-intensity exercise is not good for maintaining and improving your health. But, there have been many studies that have found evidence that just exercise is not the best way to lose weight.

There has also been research that has shown that exercise can undermine weight loss by making you feel hungrier. Many people also end up thinking it's ok to indulge in junk foods either as a reward for exercising or because they've made a calorie deficit. One recent study found that people tend to overestimate how many calories are burned when they workout. This makes them try to overcompensate for their workouts by eating more calories than they burned.

Tips to burn belly fat without exercise

1.     Change your posture

Straighten up. First of all, this will immediately make your figure look better. When you have good posture, you automatically start to engage and tone your stomach muscles. Remind yourself to stand tall every time you find yourself slouching.

2.     Stay hydrated

Supply those fluids to your body. A dehydrated body has no choice but to hoard water which can lead you to carry up to two extra kilos around your belly. Try drinking at least six 200ml glasses of water or other fluids every day.

3.     Have a bathroom schedule

Most women find it difficult to talk about, but you really have to set aside a specific time each day to use the bathroom. If you don't do this, it's too easy to give in to feeling rushed, and ignore the urge to go. Once you've allowed your brain to dismiss your body's signals, you are in for some bloat-inducing constipation.

4.     Eat mindfully

Instead of scarfing down meals, concentrate and chew each bite at least 10 times before swallowing. When the body has to break down food in the stomach and intestines, it needs to work overtime which can cause major gas and indigestion. Also, when you eat fast, you swallow more air, which can hike up your risk of developing a potbelly.

5.     Eat probiotics

Probiotics are 'good' bacteria that aid your digestive system to break down food. This prevents the digestive issues that can keep you from having a flat stomach. To make sure that your plumbing is working at ideal capacity, drink a glass of buttermilk daily or take a supplement containing at least 50 milligrams of probiotics. Look for supplements that contain the strains acidophilus and bifidobacterium.

6.     Use ISO Plus Slimming Oil

Slimming oils may seem like a gimmick but the good ones are quite effective especially when it comes to targeted fat burn. ISO Plus is a natural instant slimming oil that can be massaged onto any area on the body. The oil, when massaged, produces heat and stimulates the fat cells to burn fat. ISO Plus is particularly effective in burning belly fat. It has 100% ayurvedic ingredients which means that it won’t cause any side effects. What sets it apart is the fact that it works after just 10 minutes of massage and you can see visible effects as you see smoke rising from the area. For long term fat loss, use twice a day for 45 days.

For more information, please visit

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