Saturday, March 27, 2021

6 Incredible Benefits of Weight Loss | ISO Plus

It’s not easy to lose weight. Whether you’re trying to lose just a few extra kilos or 20, it takes both time and patience. And if you’ve tried to lose weight and not been able to get anywhere near your goal weight, you may think that there's no point in trying. But even if you lose only a little bit of weight, it’s enough to make a big difference in your health.

Just losing 5% of your total body weight will lead to so many clinically significant changes in your body. And it does not take long to reach a 5% milestone. With consistent effort, it will only take a month or two.

Benefits of Weight loss

Weight loss obviously leads to a slimmer body. This is the biggest benefit. But there are many important changes that are not so obvious but are still very important. They include the following:

1.     Freedom from heartburn

That extra fat that your body is carrying puts pressure on your stomach, which can force stomach acid to reflux up into the esophagus leading to the fiery discomfort of heartburn. And when you lose weight, it relieves the pressure and tamps down your heartburn.

2.     Freedom from knee pain

Extra fat in your body means excess weight which puts about 1 kilo worth of extra stress on the knee joints. For a 70 kilo person who's 5 kilo overweight (and should weigh 65 kilos), those 5 extra kilos add 18 more kilos of pressure to every step. But that same person would relieve around 13 kilos of pressure with a total body weight loss of 5%.

3.     Better blood pressure

The vulnerability to developing high blood pressure is 3 times for overweight or obese adults. But each kilo of weight loss can cause a one-point drop in both the upper (systolic) and lower (diastolic) numbers of your blood pressure measurement. This drop is worth almost eight points in blood pressure for a 70 kilo person with a 5% total body weight loss.

4.     Reduced diabetes risk

Weight gain has been linked to diabetes. Fat is not just a storage site for calories. Chemicals such as adipokines, secreted by fat cells, can lead to inflammation and interfere with the action of insulin. So, basically, more fat means more adipokines. But weight loss leads to less adipokines which allows the insulin to lower blood sugar levels more effectively, thus reducing the risk of diabetes.

5.     Better sleep

People who are overweight can often suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, a condition of poor quality sleep that leads to many pauses in breathing throughout the night. Weight loss helps in reducing sleep apnea so that your sleep becomes more restorative.

6.     More energy

The more weight you gain, the harder it gets for your body to perform its daily functions. It needs more adenosine triphosphate (ATP) — the molecule responsible for delivering energy to the cells. With weight loss, you use less ATP, so you have more energy for the things you want to do.

How to lose weight?

Some people go on a low calorie diet and exercise regularly but still can’t lose weight and have to worry about stubborn areas. They can use ISO Slimming Oil Plus. It lets you have lasting weight loss and an instantly toned body. If you want to lose weight fast and shed those extra kilos, ISO+ is the best option for you. It can offer an immediate change in your body. Just massage using ISO+ for 10 minutes and you’ll see the way your body slims down. And if you just want to burn the fat of a specific area in your body such as the belly, hips, thighs or arms you can do that with ISO Plus.

For more information, please visit

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

How Does ISO Plus Oil Help You Lose Weight Fast?

Do you feel like your own body is fighting against you every time you want to start losing weight? Do you think that dieting and exercising makes you feel stressed and anxious? Have you tried every traditional weight loss diet out there, and even done intensive, fat-burning exercise programs, but had no significant results?

Then you should consider using slimming oil for weight loss.

Now, let’s be entirely honest, slimming oils are not miracle cures. But, if you use them while doing a number of other healthy habits such as working out a few days a week, having planned meals, and tracking your habits, you’ll be very happy with the results.

By using slimming oils, you can provide an extra kick to these positive, healthy habits. Using just a few drops of the slimming oils, you can overcome common hang-ups that worry people while they’re trying to lose weight, like fatigue, digestive problems, inflammation, sugar cravings, and lack of motivation.

So, read on to find out the best slimming oil you can use for weight loss…

How Can Slimming Oils Help You Lose Weight?

Everyone knows there is no miracle cure for losing weight. Fad diets and magic potions work only for a temporary period, if at all, and can lead to side effects later.

The most fool-proof way to lose weight and keep it off is by eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly. However, if you use oils in your daily routine, it can help better your emotional and physical health which will help you lose weight faster and more easily.

Slimming oils can also have a positive effect on your mood and can either calm you down or energize you. This helps in treating psychological problems many people go through during their weight loss journeys, including emotional eating, junk food cravings, fatigue, and a lack of motivation. If you don't wreck your diet, it will allow your body to continue to be fueled through healthy foods and keep your self-esteem high. With increased energy and motivation levels, you can do your best at scheduled workouts, and not feel emotionally exhausted by your weight loss journey.

ISO Plus is a slimming oil that gives great physical health benefits. It penetrates into the skin to burn the fat, speeds up your metabolism, and boosts your energy. Having a fast metabolism and being energetic will allow your body to burn more calories each day without you even having to make an effort! The increased energy will also make your workouts seem less daunting.

Instant Slimming Oil Plus is a liposoluble anti-cellulite slimming oil which clears the cells of the adipose tissue by converting fat-accumulating adipocytes into cells that actively burn fat. The ayurvedic ingredients it contains, namely giloy, amla, nirgundi, punarnava, murva and many others activate the microcirculation and therefore fight water retention in cellulite tissue.

How and Where to use?

It can be used on stomach, hips, arms and thighs. Apply ISO+ on the desired area and massage vigorously for 10 min. You will start seeing smoke come out of the area which means that the oil has started burning fat.

It is made using clinically proven active ayurvedic ingredients. Apply the oil regularly for rapid, strong and visible slimming and anti-cellulite effects.

So, just keep massaging and watch your fat melt away!

For more information, please visit

Monday, March 22, 2021

9 Tips to Lose Weight in 15 Days | ISO Plus

There are times in all of our lives when we try out all sorts of diets and fitness tips to lose those extra few kilos. While some have successfully met their weight loss goals by adopting extreme measures, others keep on struggling to a point where they have completely given up hope.

Weight loss requires a combination of diet and exercise and when your goal is to lose weight, practicing some self-discipline is very important. So, the following are a few tips on how to lose weight in 15 days 

1.     Drink water

The biggest rule of weight loss is to keep yourself hydrated throughout the day. Water plays a very important role while the liver is flushing out toxins from the body. Nutritionists say that when you drink water the first thing in the morning, it gets your metabolism running. It also helps in reducing those hunger pangs that increase your cravings for snacks.

2.     Take a walk after meals

Taking a short, five-minute walk after meals not only helps your digestion but also burns your calories. According to studies, a post-meal walk helps in clearing glucose from the bloodstream. The reason for this is that a lot of it gets taken by the muscles for activities.

3.     Eat more fibre

Increase your consumption of vegetables, salads and soups. One meal of yours should be dedicated only to vegetables or sprouts. Cut back on cereals after 7 pm. If you want to have a snack, choose nuts, chana, seeds or fruits. And of course stay away from alcohol and cigarettes as much as possible.

4.     Eat at home

This one is quite easy to understand. We have all grown up hearing our elders advise us to eat home-cooked food. We all live busy lifestyles which makes it difficult to always eat at home. Instead of cooking at home, most of us tend to eat outside or get something for later. However, these types of food are often high in fat and oil and therefore, over time, encourages weight gain in an unhealthy manner. Cooking at home lets you have complete control over the ingredients you use and you can figure out your meals’ nutritional value for yourself.

5.     Burn more calories than you consume

This is the most important step. If you want to lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit in your body. Since your goal is to lose weight in 15 days, make it your goal to cut down 500 calories through your diet and 500 calories through exercise every day. The recommended calorie intake for women in a calorie deficit diet is 1200 calories and for men it is 1800 a day. Do not go below this limit either as it may be harmful for your body.

 6.     Eat less salt

 Avoid stocking up on processed items filled with salt and sugar. This includes chips, biscuits, and everything similar. These contain an insane amount of salt, which is added as a preservative. Consuming excess salt can leave you looking and feeling bloated throughout the day.

 7.     Exercise

 Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. Combined with a healthy diet, this is one of the easiest ways to lose weight without causing any harm to your body. Choose an exercise routine that is good for you and your schedule.

8.     Get enough sleep

 Make sure you sleep for at least eight hours a day. Fix a time to sleep and make sure you sleep on time and give your body the amount of rest that it needs.

9.     Try ISO Plus slimming oil 

Some people go on a low calorie diet and do regular exercise and yet they still have to worry about stubborn areas. They can use ISO Slimming Oil Plus. It lets you have lasting weight loss and an instantly toned body. If you want to lose weight fast and shed those extra kilos, ISO+ is the best option for you. It can offer an immediate change in your body. Just massage using ISO+ for 10 minutes and you’ll see the way your body slims down. And if you just want to burn the fat of a specific area in your body such as the belly, hips, thighs or arms you can do that with ISO Plus.

For more information, please visit

Friday, March 19, 2021

How does Eating Slowly Lead to Weight Loss | ISO Plus

Everything you do has an effect on your health whether it’s positive or negative. When it comes to weight loss, factors such as genetics, environment and certain health conditions are out of your control. But other factors such as diet, physical activity and daily eating habits can be managed in order to help you lose weight.

Our diet has a huge role to play in our weight loss journey. But it’s not just what we eat, the way we eat it also makes a huge difference on the effect it has on our body. This is about eating speed. Yes, it’s true. The speed at which you eat has an impact on your weight loss.

Eating slowly may seem like a lazy thing to do but contrary to popular belief, slow eating is incredibly beneficial for weight loss. People who want to lose weight keep track of their daily calorie intake. Another great benefit of eating slowly is that it can help induce a feeling of fullness and thereby preventing you from binge eating, which can lead to weight gain.

Benefits of eating slow-

Increase in fullness hormones

When we eat too quickly, it can lead to overeating, as your brain doesn’t have enough time to receive the signal that it’s full. Additionally, it also decreases the amount of food consumed during the meal because of the increase in fullness hormones.

Decrease in calorie intake

According to a study, people with normal weight or overweight eat at different paces. But both of them eat fewer calories during the slowest-paced meal. People feel fuller for longer after eating more slowly, reporting less hunger an hour after the slow meal than after the fast one. This spontaneous reduction in calorie intake can lead to loss of weight over time.

Better nutrient absorption

Eating slowly allows for better absorption of nutrients. Getting more nutrients leads to a feeling of satiety and stops one from binge eating.

​Lowered stress levels

When we chew more, it increases our food satisfaction, which makes us have a calmer and happier mind. This reduces our stress levels and makes us more at peace. Less stress leads to an increase in mindful eating which then promotes weight loss.

​Improved digestion

Eating slowly means that you’ll have to chew your food more. This extra chewing makes the digestion process much healthier and easier, which is the first step towards losing extra kilos.

Promotes satiety

Eating slowly lets you enjoy your food to the fullest. Eating while you understand and appreciate the flavour, taste and smell of the food makes you feel more satisfied after you’ve finished your meal.

​Promotes chewing

Slow eating leads to more chewing. This helps in regulating and reducing the total number of calories you consume in a day. Eating fewer calories than you burn in a day creates a calorie deficit which is one of the first steps towards losing weight.

Other than this, Ayurveda has recommended several herbs that can melt away your fat in an instant. These ayurvedic herbs have been carefully combined together in ISO Plus. ISO+ is an instant slimming massage oil that can be massaged onto any area of the body like the belly, thighs, arms and hips. Just massage with this fat burning oil for 10 minutes and you will see smoke coming out of the area. This smoke is the result of the fat cells burning away. It is the best slimming oil for fat loss.

For more information, please visit

Saturday, March 13, 2021

8 Amazing Tips for a Flat Tummy | ISO Plus


We all live busy lives. It’s not just 9 to 5 anymore. With the myriad of things we have to do, even 24 hours is too little time. So where in all this chaos can we find time to take care of our health? We can’t. Which is why many of us bemoan the fate of our extended tummy that refuses to back down even after repeated efforts at dieting.

And on the weekends, just when you're ready to go out and flaunt your new saree or figure-hugging dress, the flabby stomach bulging out puts all your efforts in vain. Then you start worrying about how to lose the fat around your tummy. While it’s hard to reduce belly fat, you can lose fat overall by lowering your total body fat percentage. The following are some simple tips to reduce your belly and flaunt your abs the way you have always wanted.

1. Circuit training

To build muscle and burn fat at the same time, you should do circuit training three days per week. You don’t have to go to the gym to do it. You can do it at home. Do full body exercises like lunges, push-ups, and pull-ups, for one set of 15 repetitions. After each exercise do one minute of jumping rope. This is enough to burn around 500 to 600 calories per workout session.

2. Do some abdominal muscles workout

If you are wondering how to lose tummy fat quickly, then start doing abdominal muscles workout. Do this three times in the week. Do three sets of crunches and leg raises of 20 repetitions. Along with that, do 4 sets of planks for 30 to 60 seconds by holding your body in a push-up position on your elbows.

3. Check your food

As the famous quote says ‘You are what you eat’. What you put into your body is vital for bringing about any change. Natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grain breads, and low fat dairy should replace processed foods packed with sugar.

4. Lower the quantity of salt consumed

To minimize your water retention, lower the amount of salt in your food. This means you lower your body’s sodium intake. Avoid overly salty foods. Use a minimal amount of salt to flavour your food along with some spices.

5. Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated will flush away those toxins. This gives you two benefits - glowing skin and a flat tummy. Drinking water does not just mean having gallons of water in a day, but also drinking healthy drinks such as antioxidant rich green teas and fresh vegetable and fruit juice.

6. Avoid alcohol

Alcohol is responsible for making your stomach feel bloated. If you’re really looking for that perfect flat tummy, stay away from having any alcohol.

7. Say no to unnecessary stress

Stress and anxiety lead to the overproduction of a certain hormone called cortisol. When cortisol levels increase, the cells of our body start becoming resistant to insulin. This leads to an increase in blood sugar and ultimately weight gain. Cortisol encourages weight gain about the belly area. So, stop stressing out and start chilling.

8. ISO Plus Slimming Oil

Other than this, Ayurveda has recommended several herbs that can melt away your belly fat in an instant. These ayurvedic herbs have been carefully combined together in ISO Plus. ISO+ is an instant slimming massage oil that can be massaged onto any area of the body like the belly, thighs, arms and hips. It is used by many bodybuilders and personal trainers and has been named the best massage oil for reducing belly fat. Just massage with this fat burning oil for 10 minutes and you will see smoke coming out of the area. This smoke is the result of the fat cells burning away. It is the best slimming oil for fat loss.

For more information, please visit

Thursday, March 11, 2021

How to do Portion Control for Weight Loss | ISO Plus

Dieting is hard. Especially when you’re surrounded by delicious foods. It is also really hard to do portion control. It is not easy to control serving sizes when it comes to larger home-cooked meals. But eating the correct amount of food is very important for maintaining good health and losing weight. And, it’s not just junk food, overeating even healthy food is bad for you.

It is not enough to consume healthy food. For healthy nutrition, portion control is also very important. It is very easy to overeat healthy meals by eating a huge portion, which is more than you need to satisfy your hunger. Portion control is not just important for weight-loss, but it also plays a role developing a good relationship with food.

If you find yourself constantly overeating, even on healthy food, it will make you feel a bit tired and sluggish which, of course, makes it more difficult to manage your weight. Making portion control a part of your daily life means that you need to have better control over your impulses.

If you keep eating even after you’re full, you will later feel guilty and uncomfortable. This guilt and discomfort will make you restrict food and cause you to starve yourself. This restriction will make you feel hungry all the time which in turn causes more overeating, creating a bad relationship with food and feelings of defeat.

Understanding which portion sizes are right for you will let you make better eating choices and reach your weight loss goal. So, the following are some tips to control your portion size when you are trying to get into shape.

1. Use a small plate

This may sound too simple but it does work. This will help you avoid overindulging. Use small plates for your meals to subconsciously lessen the amount of food you eat. When we eat, we tend to fill our plates with food. If you use a large plate, you will eat more. Whereas if you use a small plate, you will automatically eat less.

2. Do not eat directly from the packet

Eating food from big packages or large containers will make you overeat. When we eat directly from the container/package, our mindset is to finish the whole thing in one sitting. This will cause you to overeat unknowingly. So every time you want to have a snack or some nuts, take some out onto the plate before you start eating. And put the package or container back on your kitchen shelf.

3. Start with a glass of water

If you drink a glass of water 30 minutes before eating, it will suppress your hunger and make you feel like eating less. People often confuse thirst with hunger. Quenching your thirst will let you determine truthfully just how hungry you are. So, go ahead and drink that shot of water.

4. Eat More Soluble Fiber

Fibre rich foods will make you feel fuller. Good sources of soluble fibre are oatmeal, pears, and beans. They are all particularly filling because they have more stored water which gives it bulk. In the digestive tract, soluble fiber produces a thick gel that slows down digestion and makes you feel full for longer.

Other than this, Ayurveda has recommended several herbs that can melt away your fat in an instant. These ayurvedic herbs have been carefully combined together in ISO Plus. ISO+ is an instant slimming massage oil that can be massaged onto any area of the body like the belly, thighs, arms and hips. Just massage with this fat burning oil for 10 minutes and you will see smoke coming out of the area. This smoke is the result of the fat cells burning away. It is the best slimming oil for fat loss.

For more information, please visit

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

6 Amazing Ayurvedic Tips for a Healthy Life | ISO Plus

Ayurveda is an ancient science of life that has existed for centuries. Apart from offering many therapeutic treatments for diseases, it also promotes maintenance of health and prevention of diseases using diet and lifestyle regimens.

According to Ayurveda, life is a combination of mental, physical and spiritual factors constituted by body, senses, mind and spirit. The Tridoshas viz. Vata Dosha, Pitta Dosha and Kapha Dosha are responsible for the physiological activities and maintaining the integrity of the human body.

The interesting thing is that the teachings of Ayurveda are still as relevant today as they ever were. Having a bad diet and a sedentary lifestyle disturbs the Tridoshas which leads to them aggravating in the body.

Ayurvedic Tips for a Healthy Life

1.     Eat Healthy,  Nourishing Food

As any good chef will tell you, fresh food is the best food. Seasonal locally grown foods are unmatched as our bodies are made to process natural whole foods rather than processed foods. Fresh foods always contain the maximum nutrients. Go for whole grains instead of refined ones and eat whole fruits and lots of seasonal vegetables. Organic foods have lots of benefits.

2.     Make Sure you have a Balanced Diet

Wondering how to have a balanced diet? It’s simple; you just need to include the six Ayurvedic tastes or Rasas: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent, and astringent in every meal. Ayurveda says that having all six tastes in every meal makes it a complete, healthy and balanced meal that gives you a feeling of satisfaction. This will prevent snacking and overeating.

3.     Eat lots of Fruits And Vegetables

Have a vegetable or fruit of every color on your plate - blue, purple, red, green, or orange. These fruits and veggies are the richest sources of antioxidants and nutrients that help boost immunity. Loading up on them will cleanse you from the inside.

4.     Eat Cooked Food

Eating raw vegetables mean that the digestive system has to go through many layers before it can reach the core and release nutrients. If you eat your veggies cooked, it will mean more efficient digestion. According to Ayurveda, eating sautéed, steamed and cooked vegetables are very beneficial for the digestive process. If you want to eat salads, do it at lunchtime.

5.     Spices are Important

Spices are a very important part of our daily meals. They enhance the taste and also add to a meals' nutritional value. They promote good digestion and maximum absorption of nutrients. Spices will also help you stick to the Ayurvedic principle of including all the rasas in a meal.

6.     Focus on your food

According to Ayurveda, when our digestive energy (Agni) is robust, we belong to a state of balance and health. But, with bad digestion, we build up Ama which is an accumulation of digestive toxins. If you want to avoid this, you must concentrate while eating. Eating is a very important part of our lives and it deserves our focus. So, don’t eat while sitting in front of your computer or TV. Also make sure you only eat when you are actually hungry and not when you feel bored or stressed. Eat at a moderate pace, not too fast and not too slow.

Other than this, a part of living a healthy life is staying fit. Ayurveda has recommended several herbs that can melt away your fat in an instant. These ayurvedic herbs have been carefully combined together in ISO Plus. ISO+ is an instant slimming oil that can be massaged onto any area of the body like the belly, thighs, arms and hips. Just massage with this fat burning oil for 10 minutes and you will see smoke coming out of the area. This smoke is the result of the fat cells burning away. It is the best ayurvedic slimming oil in India.

For more information, please visit

5 Incredible Benefits of Quitting Sugar

  Sugar is everywhere. It is hard to escape from it. In a world full of packaged and mass produced goods, sugar makes its appearance in all ...